~~NOTOC~~ ====== Publications ====== Follow each publication link to access papers and supplemental data.\\ Most papers are available in DjVu, PDF, and PS.GZ. * [[http://djvu.org/links|Download a DjVu viewer]]. * Link to [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kbN88gsAAAAJ|my page on Google scholar]] ===== 2024 ===== FIXME to be updated soon ===== 2023 ===== Alberto Bietti, Vivien Cabannes, Diane Bouchacourt, Herve Jegou and Leon Bottou: **Birth of a Transformer: A Memory Viewpoint**, //arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.00802//, 2023. [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.00802.pdf|arxiv...]] Vivien Cabannes, Leon Bottou, Yann Lecun and Randall Balestriero: **Active Self-Supervised Learning: A Few Low-Cost Relationships Are All You Need**, //arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15256//, 2023. [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.15256.pdf|arxiv...]] Jianyu Zhang and Léon Bottou: **Learning useful representations for shifting tasks and distributions**, //International Conference on Machine Learning//, 40830--40850, PMLR, 2023. [[papers/zhang-2023|more...]] Alexandre Rame, Kartik Ahuja, Jianyu Zhang, Matthieu Cord, Leon Bottou and David Lopez-Paz: **Model Ratatouille: Recycling Diverse Models for Out-of-Distribution Generalization**, //Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning//, 202:28656--28679, Edited by Andreas Krause, Emma Brunskill, Kyunghyun Cho, Barbara Engelhardt, Sivan Sabato and Jonathan Scarlett, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, PMLR, 23--29 Jul 2023. [[papers/rame-2023|more...]] ===== 2022 ===== Randall Balestriero, Leon Bottou and Yann LeCun: **The Effects of Regularization and Data Augmentation are Class Dependent**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems//, 35:37878--37891, Edited by S. Koyejo, S. Mohamed, A. Agarwal, D. Belgrave, K. Cho and A. Oh, Curran Associates, Inc., 2022. [[papers/balestriero-2022|more...]] Jianyu Zhang, David Lopez-Paz and Léon Bottou: **Rich feature construction for the optimization-generalization dilemma**, //International Conference on Machine Learning//, 26397--26411, PMLR, 2022. [[papers/zhang-2022|more...]] Agnieszka Słowik and Léon Bottou: **On Distributionally Robust Optimization and Data Rebalancing**, //Proc. AIStats 2022//, Feb 2022. [[papers/slowik-bottou-2022|more...]] Alexandre Défossez, Leon Bottou, Francis Bach and Nicolas Usunier: **A Simple Convergence Proof of Adam and Adagrad**, //Transactions on Machine Learning Research//, 2022. [[papers/defossez-2022|more...]] Alexander Peysakhovich and Leon Bottou: **Pseudo-Euclidean Attract-Repel Embeddings for Undirected Graphs**, //arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.09671//, 2021. [[papers/peysakhovich-2022|more...]] ===== 2021 ===== Benjamin Aubin, Agnieszka Słowik, Martin Arjovsky, Léon Bottou and David Lopez-Paz: **Linear unit-tests for invariance discovery**, //arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10867//, 2021. [[papers/aubin-2021|more...]] ===== 2020 ===== Anna Klimovskaia, David Lopez-Paz, Léon Bottou and Maximilian Nickel: **Poincaré maps for analyzing complex hierarchies in single-cell data**, //Nature Communications//, 11(1):2966, 2020. [[papers/klimovskaia-2020|more...]] Emmanuelle Claeys, Myriam Maumy-Bertrand and Léon Bottou: **Causalité et apprentissage automatique**, //Statistique et Causalité//, Journées d’'Etude en Statistique 2018, Technip, 2020. [[papers/claeys-2020|more...]] ===== 2019 ===== Martin Arjovsky, Léon Bottou, Ishaan Gulrajani and David Lopez-Paz: //**Invariant Risk Minimization**//, arXiv:1907.02893, 2019. [[papers/arjovsky-bottou-gulrajani-lopezpaz-2019|more...]] Chhavi Yadav and Léon Bottou: **Cold Case: The Lost MNIST Digits**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32//, 13443--13452, Edited by H. Wallach, H. Larochelle, A. Beygelzimer, i F. d'Alché-Buc, E. Fox and R. Garnett, Curran Associates, Inc., 2019. [[papers/yadav-bottou-2019|more...]] Rachel Ward, Xiaoxia Wu and Leon Bottou: **AdaGrad Stepsizes: Sharp Convergence Over Nonconvex Landscapes**, //Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning//, 97:6677--6686, Edited by Kamalika Chaudhuri and Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, PMLR, Long Beach, California, USA, 09--15 Jun 2019. [[papers/ward-2019|more...]] Carl-Johann Simon-Gabriel, Yann Ollivier, Leon Bottou, Bernhard Schölkopf and David Lopez-Paz: **First-Order Adversarial Vulnerability of Neural Networks and Input Dimension**, //Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning//, 97:5809--5817, Edited by Kamalika Chaudhuri and Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Long Beach, California, USA, 2019. [[papers/simongabriel-2019|more...]] ===== 2018 ===== Dhruv Mahajan, Nikunj Agrawal, S Sathiya Keerthi, Sundararajan Sellamanickam and Léon Bottou: **An efficient distributed learning algorithm based on effective local functional approximations**, //The Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 19(1):2942--2978, 2018. [[papers/mahajan-2018|more...]] Alexandre Defossez, Neil Zeghidour, Nicolas Usunier, Leon Bottou and Francis Bach: **SING: Symbol-to-Instrument Neural Generator**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31//, 9041--9051, Edited by S. Bengio, H. Wallach, H. Larochelle, K. Grauman, N. Cesa-Bianchi and R. Garnett, Curran Associates, Inc., 2018. [[papers/defossez-2018|more...]] Léon Bottou, Frank E. Curtis and Jorge Nocedal: **Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning**, //Siam Reviews//, 60(2):223-311, 2018. [[papers/bottou-curtis-nocedal-2018|more...]] Léon Bottou, Martin Arjovsky, David Lopez-Paz and Maxime Oquab: **Geometrical Insights for Implicit Generative Modeling**, //Braverman Readings in Machine Learning: Key Ideas from Inception to Current State//, 229--268, Edited by Ilya Muchnik Lev Rozonoer, Boris Mirkin, LNAI Vol 11100, Springer, 2018. [[papers/bottou-geometry-2018|more...]] Levent Sagun, Utku Evci, Veli Uğur Güney, Yann Dauphin and Léon Bottou: **Empirical Analysis of the Hessian of Over-Parametrized Neural Networks**, //Sixth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Workshop paper//, 2018. [[papers/sagun-2018|more...]] ===== 2017 ===== Léon Bottou: **Foreword**. //Perceptrons. Reissue of the 1988 expanded edition//. By Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA., September 2017. [[papers/bottou-foreword-2017|more...]] Jean Lafond, Nicolas Vasilache and Léon Bottou: //**Diagonal Rescaling For Neural Networks**//, arXiV:1705.09319, 2017. [[papers/lafond-vasilache-bottou-2017|more...]] Martin Arjovsky, Soumith Chintala and Léon Bottou: **Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks**, //Proceedings of the 34nd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2017, Sydney, Australia, 7-9 August, 2017//, 2017. [[papers/arjovsky-chintala-bottou-2017|more...]] David Lopez-Paz, Robert Nishihara, Soumith Chintalah, Bernhard Schölkopf and Léon Bottou: **Discovering Causal Signals in Images**, //Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)//, IEEE, 2017. [[papers/lopezpaz-2017|more...]] Martin Arjovsky and Léon Bottou: **Towards principled methods for training generative adversarial networks**, //International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2017)//, 2017. [[papers/arjovsky-bottou-2017|more...]] ===== 2016 ===== Léon Bottou, Frank E. Curtis and Jorge Nocedal: //**Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning**//, arXiv:1606.04838, June 2016. [[papers/tr-optml-2016|more...]] David Lopez-Paz, Leon Bottou, Bernhard Schölkopf and Vladimir Vapnik: **Unifying distillation and privileged information**, //International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2016)//, 2016. [[papers/lopez-paz-2016|more...]] Robert Nishihara, David Lopez-Paz and Leon Bottou: **No Regret Bound for Extreme Bandits**, //Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics//, 259-267, 2016. [[papers/nishihara-2016|more...]] ===== 2015 ===== Alekh Agarwal and Léon Bottou: **A Lower Bound for the Optimization of Finite Sums**, //Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2015, Lille, France, 6-11 July 2015//, 78--86, 2015. [[papers/agarwal-bottou-2015|more... (with erratum)]] Maxime Oquab, Léon Bottou, Josef Sivic and Ivan Laptev: **Is object localization for free? -- Weakly-supervised learning with convolutional neural networks**, //Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)//, IEEE, 2015. [[papers/oquab-2015|more...]] Léon Bottou: **Making Vapnik-Chervonenkis bounds accurate**, //Measures of Complexity. Festschrift for Alexey Chervonenkis//, Springer, 2015. [[papers/bottou-2014c|more...]] ===== 2014 ===== Douwe Kiela and Léon Bottou: **Learning Image Embeddings using Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Multi-Modal Semantics**, //Proceedings of EMNLP 2014//, Doha, Qatar, 2014. [[papers/kiela-bottou-2014|more...]] Maxime Oquab, Léon Bottou, Ivan Laptev and Josef Sivic: **Learning and Transferring Mid-Level Image Representations using Convolutional Neural Networks**, //Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)//, IEEE, 2014. [[papers/oquab-2014|more...]] Léon Bottou: **From machine learning to machine reasoning: an essay**, //Machine Learning//, 94:133-149, January 2014. [[papers/bottou-mlj-2013|more...]] ===== 2013 ===== Léon Bottou, Jonas Peters, Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela, Denis X. Charles, D. Max Chickering, Elon Portugaly, Dipankar Ray, Patrice Simard and Ed Snelson: **Counterfactual Reasoning and Learning Systems: The Example of Computational Advertising**, //Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 14(Nov):3207--3260, 2013. [[papers/bottou-jmlr-2013|more...]] //**Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26 (NIPS 2013)**//, Edited by Chris J. C. Burges, Léon Bottou, Max Welling, Zoubin Ghahramani, and Kilian Q. Weinberger, Curran Associates, Inc., 2013. [[papers/nips-2013|more...]] Léon Bottou: **In hindsight: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 181(4), 1968**, in //Empirical Inference. Festschrift in Honor of Vladimir N. Vapnik//, Bernhard Schölkopf, Zhiyuan Luo, and Vladimir Vovk editors, Springer, 2013. [[papers/bottou-fs-2013|more...]] ===== 2012 ===== Léon Bottou, Jonas Peters, Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela, Denis X. Charles, D. Max Chickering, Elon Portugaly, Dipankar Ray, Patrice Simard and Ed Snelson: //**Counterfactual Reasoning and Learning Systems**//, arXiv:1209.2355, September 2012. [[papers/tr-bottou-2012|more...]] Léon Bottou: **Stochastic Gradient Tricks**, //Neural Networks, Tricks of the Trade, Reloaded//, 430--445, Edited by Grégoire Montavon, Genevieve B. Orr and Klaus-Robert Müller, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 7700), Springer, 2012. [[papers/bottou-tricks-2012|more...]] //**Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS 2012)**//, Edited by Peter Bartlett, Fernando C. N. Pereira, Chris J. C. Burges, Léon Bottou, and Kilian Q. Weinberger, Curran Associates, Inc., 2012. [[papers/nips-2012|more...]] ===== 2011 ===== //**Statistical Learning and Data Science**//, Edited by Mireille Gettler Summa, Léon Bottou, Bernard Goldfarb, Fionn Murtagh, Catherine Pardoux and Myriam Touati, CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis, Chapman & Hall, 2011. [[papers/summa-2011|more...]] Ronan Collobert, Jason Weston, Léon Bottou, Michael Karlen, Koray Kavukcuoglu and Pavel Kuksa: **Natural Language Processing (Almost) from Scratch**, //Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 12:2493--2537, Aug 2011. [[papers/collobert-2011|more...]] Léon Bottou: //**From Machine Learning to Machine Reasoning**//, arXiv:1102.1808, February 2011. [[papers/tr-bottou-2011|more...]] Seyda Ertekin, Léon Bottou and C. Lee Giles: **Non-Convex Online Support Vector Machines**, //IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence//, 33(2):368--381, February 2011. [[papers/ertekin-bottou-giles-2011|more...]] Léon Bottou and Olivier Bousquet: **The Tradeoffs of Large Scale Learning**, //Optimization for Machine Learning//, 351-368, Edited by Suvrit Sra, Sebastian Nowozin and Stephen J. Wright, MIT Press, 2011. [[papers/bottou-bousquet-2011|more...]] Gilles Gasso, Aristidis Pappaioannou, Marina Spivak and Léon Bottou: **Batch and online learning algorithms for nonconvex Neyman-Pearson classification**, //ACM Transaction on Intelligent System and Technologies//, 2(3), 2011. [[papers/gasso-2010|more...]] ===== 2010 ===== Antoine Bordes, Léon Bottou, Patrick Gallinari, Jonathan Chang and S. Alex Smith: **Erratum: SGDQN is Less Careful than Expected**, //Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 11:2229--2240, Aug 2010. [[papers/bordes-2010|more...]] Léon Bottou: **Large-Scale Machine Learning with Stochastic Gradient Descent**, //Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT'2010)//, 177--187, Edited by Yves Lechevallier and Gilbert Saporta, Paris, France, August 2010, Springer. [[papers/bottou-2010|more...]] Léon Bottou and Olivier Bousquet: **L'apprentissage statistique à grande échelle**, //Revue Modulad//, 42:61--73, 2010. [[papers/bottou-bousquet-2010|more...]] Nicolas Usunier, Antoine Bordes and Léon Bottou: **Guarantees for Approximate Incremental SVMs**, //Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics//, 9:884-891, Edited by Yee Whye Teh and Mike Titterington, Chia Laguna Resort, Sardinia, Italy, May 2010. [[papers/usunier-bordes-bottou-2010|more...]] ===== 2009 ===== //**Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21 (NIPS 2008)**//, Edited by Daphne Koller, Yoshua Bengio, Léon Bottou and Aron Culotta, Nips Foundation (http://books.nips.cc), 2009. [[papers/nips-2009|more...]] David Grangier, Léon Bottou and Ronan Collobert: //**Deep Convolutional Networks for Scene Parsing**//, ICML 2009 Workshop on Learning Feature Hierarchies, June 2009. [[papers/grangier-bottou-collobert-2009|more...]] Marina Spivak, Jason Weston, Léon Bottou, Lukas Käll and William S. Noble: **Improvements to the Percolator algorithm for peptide identification from shotgun proteomics data sets**, //Journal of Proteome Research//, 8(7):3737--3745, July 2009. [[papers/spivak-2009|more...]] //**Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2009)**//, Edited by Léon Bottou and Michael Littman, Omnipress, 2009. [[papers/icml-2009|more...]] Antoine Bordes, Léon Bottou and Patrick Gallinari: **SGD-QN: Careful Quasi-Newton Stochastic Gradient Descent**, //Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 10:1737--1754, 2009. [[papers/bordes-bottou-gallinari-2009|more...]] [[papers/bordes-2010|erratum...]] Léon Bottou: //**Curiously fast convergence of some stochastic gradient descent algorithms**//, Unpublished open problem offered to the attendance of the SLDS 2009 conference, 2009. [[papers/bottou-slds-open-problem-2009|more...]] ===== 2008 ===== Antoine Bordes, Nicolas Usunier and Léon Bottou: **Sequence Labelling SVMs Trained in One Pass**, //Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: ECML PKDD 2008//, 146-161, Edited by Walter Daelemans, Bart Goethals and Katharina Morik, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 5211, Springer, 2008. [[papers/bordes-usunier-bottou-2008|more...]] Léon Bottou and Olivier Bousquet: **Learning Using Large Datasets**, Mining Massive DataSets for Security, NATO ASI Workshop Series, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008. [[papers/bottou-bousquet-2008b|more...]] Léon Bottou and Olivier Bousquet: **The Tradeoffs of Large Scale Learning**, // Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20 (NIPS 2007)//, 161--168, Edited by J.C. Platt, D. Koller, Y. Singer and S. Roweis, NIPS Foundation (http://books.nips.cc) , 2008. [[papers/bottou-bousquet-2008|more...]] ===== 2007 ===== Sören Sonnenburg, Mikio L. Braun, Cheng Soon Ong, Samy Bengio, Léon Bottou, Geoffrey Holmes, Yann LeCun, Klaus-Robert Müller, Fernando Pereira, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Gunnar Rätsch, Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander Smola, Pascal Vincent, Jason Weston and Robert Williamson: **The Need for Open Source Software in Machine Learning**, //Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 8:2443-2466, October 2007. [[papers/sonnenburg-2007|more...]] Seyda Ertekin, Jian Huang, Léon Bottou and C. Lee Giles: **Learning on the Border: Active Learning in Imbalanced Data Classification**, //Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM2007//, ACM Press, Lisboa, November 2007. [[papers/ertekin-2007|more...]] //**Large Scale Kernel Machines**//, Edited by Léon Bottou, Olivier Chapelle, Dennis DeCoste, and Jason Weston, Neural Information Processing Series, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 2007. [[papers/lskm-2007|more...]] Antoine Bordes, Léon Bottou, Patrick Gallinari and Jason Weston: **Solving MultiClass Support Vector Machines with LaRank**, //Proceedings of the 24th International Machine Learning Conference//, 89-97, Edited by Zoubin Ghahramani, OmniPress, Corvallis, Oregon, 2007. [[papers/bordes-2007|more...]] Gaëlle Loosli, Stéphane Canu and Léon Bottou: **Training Invariant Support Vector Machines using Selective Sampling**, in //[[papers/lskm-2007|Large Scale Kernel Machines]]//, Léon Bottou, Olivier Chapelle, Dennis DeCoste, and Jason Weston editors, 301--320, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 2007. [[papers/loosli-canu-bottou-2006|more...]] Léon Bottou and Chih-Jen Lin: //**Support Vector Machine Solvers**//, in //[[papers/lskm-2007|Large Scale Kernel Machines]]//, Léon Bottou, Olivier Chapelle, Dennis DeCoste, and Jason Weston editors, 1--28, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 2007. [[papers/bottou-lin-2006|more...]] ===== 2006 ===== Ronan Collobert, Fabian Sinz, Jason Weston and Léon Bottou: **Large Scale Transductive SVMs**, //Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 7:1687-1712, September 2006. [[papers/collobert-sinz-weston-bottou-2006|more...]] Jason Weston, Ronan Collobert, Fabian Sinz, Léon Bottou and Vladimir Vapnik: **Inference with the Universum**, //Proceedings of the Twenty-third International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2006)//, IMLS/ICML, 2006. [[papers/weston-collobert-sinz-bottou-vapnik-2006|more...]] Ronan Collobert, Jason Weston and Léon Bottou: **Trading Convexity for Scalability**, //Proceedings of the Twenty-third International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2006)//, IMLS/ICML, 2006. [[papers/collobert-weston-bottou-2006|more...]] ===== 2005 ===== Antoine Bordes, Seyda Ertekin, Jason Weston and Léon Bottou: **Fast Kernel Classifiers with Online and Active Learning**, //Journal of Machine Learning Research//, 6:1579-1619, September 2005. [[papers/bordes-ertekin-weston-bottou-2005|more...]] Antoine Bordes and Léon Bottou: **The Huller: a simple and efficient online SVM**, //Machine Learning: ECML 2005//, 505-512, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3720, Springer Verlag, 2005. [[papers/bordes-bottou-2005|more...]] //**Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17 (NIPS 2004)**//, Edited by Lawrence Saul, Yair Weiss and Léon Bottou, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 2005. [[papers/nips-2005|more...]] Feng Ning, Damien Delhomme, Yann LeCun, Fabio Piano, Léon Bottou and Paolo Emilio Barbano: **Toward Automatic Phenotyping of Developing Embryos from Videos**, //IEEE Transactions in Image Processing//, 14(9):1360-1371, September 2005. [[papers/ning-delhomme-2005|more...]] Léon Bottou and Yann LeCun: **Graph Transformer Networks for Image Recognition**, //Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)//, 2005. [[papers/bottou-lecun-2005|more...]] Jason Weston, Antoine Bordes and Léon Bottou: **Online (and Offline) on an Even Tighter Budget**, //Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Jan 6-8, 2005, Savannah Hotel, Barbados//, 413-420, Edited by Robert G. Cowell and Zoubin Ghahramani, Society for Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2005. [[papers/weston-bordes-bottou-2005|more...]] Gökhan Bakir, Léon Bottou and Jason Weston: **Breaking SVM Complexity with Cross-Training**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17 (NIPS 2004)//, 81-88, Edited by Lawrence Saul, Yair Weiss and Léon Bottou, MIT Press, 2005. [[papers/bakir-bottou-weston-2005|more...]] Hans Peter Graf, Eric Cosatto, Léon Bottou, Igor Dourdanovic and Vladimir Vapnik: **Parallel Support Vector Machines: The Cascade SVM**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17 (NIPS 2004)//, 521-528, Edited by Lawrence Saul, Yair Weiss and Léon Bottou, MIT Press, 2005. [[papers/graf-cosatto-2005|more...]] Léon Bottou and Yann LeCun: **On-line Learning for Very Large Datasets**, //Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry//, 21(2):137-151, 2005. [[papers/bottou-lecun-2004a|more...]] ===== 2004 ===== Léon Bottou: **Stochastic Learning**, //Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning//, 146-168, Edited by Olivier Bousquet and Ulrike von Luxburg, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3176, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004. [[papers/bottou-mlss-2004|more...]] Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou and Jie HuangFu: **Learning Methods for Generic Object Recognition with Invariance to Pose and Lighting**, //Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)//, IEEE, Washington, D.C., 2004. [[papers/lecun-bottou-huangfu-2004|more...]] Léon Bottou and Yann LeCun: **Large Scale Online Learning**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 (NIPS 2003)//, Edited by Sebastian Thrun, Lawrence Saul and Bernhard Schölkopf, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004. [[papers/bottou-lecun-2004|more...]] Susanne Still, William Bialek and Léon Bottou: **Geometric Clustering Using the Information Bottleneck Method**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 (NIPS 2003)//, Edited by Sebastian Thrun, Lawrence Saul and Bernhard Schölkopf, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004. [[papers/bottou-still-2004|more...]] ===== 2003 ===== Amy R. Reibman, Léon Bottou and Andrea Basso: **Scalable video coding with managed drift**, //IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology//, 13:131-140, February 2003. [[papers/reibman-2003|more...]] David W. Pan, Andrea Basso and Léon Bottou: **An Iterative Algorithm for Accurate Motion Estimation in Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding**, //Proceedings of the GSPx & ISPC 2003 (The International Signal Processing Conference)//, Dallas, March 2003. [[papers/pan-2003|more...]] ===== 2002 ===== Léon Bottou and Noboru Murata: **Stochastic Approximations and Efficient Learning**, //The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second edition,//, Edited by M. A. Arbib, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002. [[papers/bottou-murata-2002|more...]] Artem Mikheev, Luc Vincent, Mike Hawrylycz and Léon Bottou: **Electronic Document Publishing using DjVu**, //Proceedings of the IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis (DAS'02)//, Princeton, NJ, August 2002. [[papers/mikheev-2002|more...]] Patrick Haffner, Léon Bottou, Yann Le Cun and Luc Vincent: **A General Segmentation Scheme for DjVu Document Compression**, //Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM'02)//, CSIRO publications, Sydney, Australia, April 2002. [[papers/haffner-2002|more...]] ===== 2001 ===== Yann Le Cun, Léon Bottou, Andrei Erofeev, Patrick Haffner and Bill W. Riemers: **DjVu document browsing with on-demand loading and rendering of image components**, //Internet Imaging//, San Jose, January 2001. [[papers/lecun-2001|more...]] Amy R. Reibman and Léon Bottou: **Managing drift in DCT-based scalable video coding**, //Proceedings IEEE Data Compression Conference 2001//, IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, April 2001. [[papers/reibman-bottou-2001|more...]] Amy R. Reibman, Léon Bottou and Andrea Basso: **DCT-based scalable video coding with drift**, //Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing 2001//, 989-992, IEEE, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001. [[papers/reibman-2001|more...]] Léon Bottou, Patrick Haffner and Yann Le Cun: **Efficient Conversion of Digital Documents to Multilayer Raster Formats**, //Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition//, 444-448, IEEE, Seattle, September 2001. [[papers/bottou-2001|more...]] Yann Le Cun, Léon Bottou, Patrick Haffner, Jeffery Triggs, Bill Riemers and Luc Vincent: **Overview of the DjVu Document Compression Technology**, //Proceedings of the Symposium on Document Image Understanding Technologies (SDIUT'01)//, 119--122, Columbia, MD, April 2001. [[papers/lecun-2001b|more...]] ===== 2000 ===== Léon Bottou, Patrick Haffner, Yann Le Cun, Paul Howard and Pascal Vincent: **DjVu: Un Système de Compression d'Images pour la Distribution Réticulaire de Documents Numérisés**, //Actes de la Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document//, Lyon, France, July 2000. [[papers/bottou-2000|more...]] Olivier Chapelle, Jason Weston, Léon Bottou and Vladimir Vapnik: **Vicinal Risk Minimization**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13 (NIPS 2000)//, 416-422, MIT Press, Denver, 2001. [[papers/chapelle-2000|more...]] ===== 1999 ===== Patrice Simard, Léon Bottou, Patrick Haffner and Yann Le Cun: **Boxlets: a fast convolution algorithm for neural networks and signal processing**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (NIPS 1998)//, 571-577, MIT Press, Denver, 1999. [[papers/simard-99|more...]] Patrick Haffner, Léon Bottou, Paul G. Howard and Yann Le Cun: **DjVu : Analyzing and Compressing Scanned Documents for Internet Distribution. **, //Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.//, 625--628, 1999. [[papers/haffner-99|more...]] Yann Le Cun, Patrick Haffner, Léon Bottou and Yoshua Bengio: **Object Recognition with Gradient-Based Learning**, //Feature Grouping//, Edited by David Forsyth, Springer Verlag, 1999. [[papers/lecun-99f|more...]] Patrick Haffner, Yann Le Cun, Léon Bottou, Paul Howard and Pascal Vincent: **Color Documents on the Web with DjVu**, //Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing//, 1:239-243, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. [[papers/haffner-99k|more...]] Léon Bottou, Yann Le Cun and Vladimir Vapnik: //**Predicting Learning Curves without the Ground Truth Hypothesis**//, Technical Report, May 1999. [[papers/bottou-lecun-vapnik-1999|more...]] ===== 1998 ===== Léon Bottou, Paul G. Howard and Yoshua Bengio: **The Z-Coder Adaptive Binary Coder**, //Proceedings IEEE Data Compression Conference 1998//, IEEE, Snowbird, April 1998. [[papers/bottou-howard-bengio-98|more...]] Léon Bottou and Steven Pigeon: **Lossy Compression of Partially Masked Still Images**, //Proceedings of IEEE Data Compression Conference//, Snowbird, UT, April 1998. [[papers/bottou-pigeon-98|more...]] Léon Bottou, Patrick Haffner, Paul G. Howard, Patrice Simard, Yoshua Bengio and Yann Le Cun: **High Quality Document Image Compression with DjVu**, //Journal of Electronic Imaging//, 7(3):410-425, 1998. [[papers/bottou-98|more...]] Patrick Haffner, Léon Bottou, Paul G. Howard, Patrice Simard, Yoshua Bengio and Yann Le Cun: **Browsing through High Quality Document Images with DjVu**, //Proceedings of IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries'98//, 309-318, IEEE, Santa Barbara, CA, April 1998. [[papers/bottou-98b|more...]] Léon Bottou: **Online Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations**, //Online Learning and Neural Networks//, Edited by David Saad, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1998. [[papers/bottou-98x|more...]] Yann Le Cun, Léon Bottou, Yoshua Bengio and Patrick Haffner: **Gradient Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition**, //Proceedings of IEEE//, 86(11):2278-2324, 1998. [[papers/lecun-98h|more...]] Barry Haskell, Paul Howard, Yann Le Cun, Atul Puri, Joern Ostermann, M. Reha Civanlar, Larry Rabiner, Léon Bottou and Patrick Haffner: **Image and video coding - Emerging standards and beyond**, //IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology//, 8(7):814-837, November 1998. [[papers/haskell-98|more...]] Yann Le Cun, Léon Bottou, Genevieve B. Orr and Klaus-Robert Müller: **Efficient Backprop**, //Neural Networks, Tricks of the Trade//, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 1524, Springer Verlag, 1998. [[papers/lecun-98x|more...]] Yann Le Cun, Léon Bottou, Patrick Haffner and Paul G. Howard: **DjVu: a compression method for distributing scanned documents in color over the internet**, //Sixth Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications//, 220-223, IST, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 1998. [[papers/lecun-98c|more...]] ===== 1997 ===== Yann Le Cun, Léon Bottou and Yoshua Bengio: **Reading Checks with graph transformer networks**, //International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing//, 1:151-154, IEEE, Munich, 1997. [[papers/lecun-97|more...]] Léon Bottou, Yann Le Cun and Yoshua Bengio: **Global Training of Document Processing Systems using Graph Transformer Networks**, //Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)//, 489-493, IEEE, Puerto-Rico, 1997. [[papers/bottou-97|more...]] Léon Bottou: **La mise en oeuvre des idées de V. N. Vapnik**, //Statistique et méthodes neuronales//, Dunod, Paris, 1997. [[papers/bottou-97b|more...]] ===== 1996 ===== Léon Bottou, Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun: //**Document Analysis with Transducers**//, July 1996. [[papers/bottou-1996|more...]] ===== 1995 ===== Yann Le Cun, Lawrence D. Jackel, Léon Bottou, Corinna Cortes, John S. Denker, Harris Drucker, Isabelle Guyon, Urs A. Muller, Eduard Sackinger, Patrice Simard and Vladimir N. Vapnik: **Learning Algorithms For Classification: A Comparison On Handwritten Digit Recognition**, //Neural Networks: The Statistical Mechanics Perspective//, 261-276, Edited by J. H. Oh, C. Kwon and S. Cho, World Scientific, 1995. [[papers/lecun-95a|more...]] Léon Bottou and Yoshua Bengio: **Convergence Properties of the KMeans Algorithm**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7 (NIPS 1994)//, 585-592, MIT Press, Denver, 1995. [[papers/bottou-bengio-95|more...]] ===== 1994 ===== Léon Bottou, Corinna Cortes and Vladimir Vapnik: //**On the Effective VC Dimension.**//, Neuroprose (bottou.effvc.ps.Z), 1994. [[papers/bottou-cortes-vapnik-94|more...]] Léon Bottou, Corinna Cortes, John S. Denker, Harris Drucker, Isabelle Guyon, Lawrence D. Jackel, Yann Le Cun, Urs A. Muller, Eduard Säckinger, Patrice Simard and Vladimir Vapnik: **Comparison of classifier methods: a case study in handwritten digit recognition**, //Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Conference B: Computer Vision & Image Processing.//, 2:77-82, IEEE, Jerusalem, October 1994. [[papers/bottou-cortes-94|more...]] ===== 1993 ===== Vladimir N. Vapnik and Léon Bottou: **Local Algorithms for Pattern Recognition and Dependencies Estimation**, //Neural Computation//, 5(6):893-909, 1993. [[papers/vapnik-bottou-93|more...]] Jame Bromley, Jim W. Bentz, Léon Bottou, Isabelle Guyon, Yann Le Cun, C. Moore, Eduard Säckinger and Roopak Shah: **Signature Verification using a Siamese Time Delay Neural Network**, //International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence//, 7(4), 1993. [[papers/bromley-bentz-93|more...]] ===== 1992 ===== Isabelle Guyon, Vladimir Vapnik, Bernhardt E. Boser, Léon Bottou and Sara A. Solla: **Capacity control in linear classifiers for pattern recognition**, //Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Conference B: Pattern Recognition Methodology and Systems //, II:385-388, IEEE, September 1992. [[papers/guyon-vapnik-92|more...]] Isabelle Guyon, Vladimir N. Vapnik, Bernhardt E. Boser, Léon Bottou and Sara A. Solla: **Structural Risk Minimization for Character Recognition**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4 (NIPS 1991)//, 471-479, Morgan Kaufman, Denver, 1992. [[papers/guyon-92|more...]] Léon Bottou and Vladimir N. Vapnik: **Local Learning Algorithms**, //Neural Computation//, 4(6):888-900, 1992. [[papers/bottou-vapnik-92|more...]] Nada Matic, Isabelle Guyon, Léon Bottou, John S. Denker and Vladimir N. Vapnik: **Computer Aided Cleaning of Large Databases for Character Recognition**, //Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Conference B: Pattern Recognition Methodology and Systems //, II:330-333, IEEE, La Hague, September 1992. [[papers/matic-guyon-92|more...]] Léon Bottou and Patrick Gallinari: **A unified formalism for neural net training algorithms**, //Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks//, 4:7-12, IEEE, June 1992. [[papers/bottou-gallinari-92|more...]] ===== 1991 ===== Léon Bottou: //**Une Approche théorique de l'Apprentissage Connexionniste: Applications à la Reconnaissance de la Parole**//, Ph.D. thesis, Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France, 1991. [[papers/bottou-91a|more...]] Léon Bottou: **Stochastic Gradient Learning in Neural Networks**, //Proceedings of Neuro-Nîmes 91//, EC2, Nimes, France, 1991. [[papers/bottou-91c|more...]] Xavier Driancourt, Léon Bottou and Patrick Gallinari: **Learning Vector Quantization, Multi Layer Perceptron and Dynamic Time Warping: Comparison and Cooperation**, //Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks//, Seattle, 1991. [[papers/driancourt-bottou-91|more...]] Xavier Driancourt, Léon Bottou and Patrick Gallinari: **Comparison and Cooperation of Several Classifiers**, //Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks//, Helsinki, 1991. [[papers/driancourt-bottou-91b|more...]] Léon Bottou and Patrick Gallinari: **A Framework for the Cooperation of Learning Algorithms**, //Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3 (NIPS 1990)//, Edited by D. Touretzky and R. Lippmann, 781-788, Morgan Kaufmann, Denver, 1991. [[papers/bottou-gallinari-90|more...]] ===== 1990 ===== Léon Bottou, Françoise Fogelman Soulié, Pascal Blanchet and Jean Sylvain Lienard: **Speaker independent isolated digit recognition: Multilayer perceptron vs Dynamic Time Warping**, //Neural Networks//, 3:453-465, 1990. [[papers/bottou-90|more...]] Xavier Driancourt and Léon Bottou: **TDNN-Extracted features**, //Proceedings of Neuro Nimes 90//, EC2, Nimes, France, 1990. [[papers/driancourt-bottou-90|more...]] Carlos Mejia, Léon Bottou and Françoise Fogelman Soulié: **Galatea: A library for connectionist applications**, //Proceedings of the International Neural Networks Conference, INNC'90//, 1:9-13, Paris, 1990. [[papers/mejia-90|more...]] ===== 1989 ===== M. D. Bedworth, Léon Bottou, John S. Bridle, Franck Fallside, L. Flynn, Françoise Fogelman Soulié, K.M. Ponting and Richard W. Prager: **Comparison of neural and conventional classifiers on a speech recognition problem**, //Proceedings of IEE 1st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks//, London, 1989. [[papers/bedworth-89|more...]] Léon Bottou, Françoise Fogelman Soulié, Pascal Blanchet and Jean Sylvain Lienard: **Experiments with Time Delay Networks and Dynamic Time Warping for Speaker Independent Isolated Digit Recognition**, //Proceedings of EuroSpeech 89//, 2:537-540, Paris, France, 1989. [[papers/bottou-89|more...]] ===== 1988 ===== Léon Bottou: **Reconnaissance de la parole par reseaux connexionnistes**, //Proceedings of Neuro Nimes 88//, 197-218, Nimes, France, 1988. [[papers/bottou-88b|more...]] Léon Bottou and Yann Le Cun: **SN: A Simulator for Connectionist Models**, //Proceedings of NeuroNimes 88//, 371-382, Nimes, France, 1988. [[papers/bottou-lecun-88|more...]]